SockeToome 1.0 License: Rating: Size: Date: Shareware 1.1MB December 6th, 2000 Description: SockeToome sends files directly to other users without a central server, and it can be used by people with both static and dynamic IP addresses. It works at the sender's convenience, queueing files for transmission to other users and holding them in a queue until they are successfully sent. If you regularly exchange files with other people, SockeToome can simplify your life with features like these: Both retries and resumes transfers Transmits directly between the sender's and receiver's computer Preserving your privacy since no central server is involved Works at the sender's convenience as well as at the receiver's, and works between Macs and PCs Can handle up to four outgoing and three incoming transmissions simultaneously Simple to set up and run Particularly suitable where people regularly exchange files Works with both static and dynamic IP addresses; it utilizes a priority-based queueing system and allows messages to be sent with files Has comprehensive logging, can be run unattended, features many queue-management facilities, and can be used to back up critical files to a friend's computer For more detailed information and instructions, please read the documentation or visit the home page. Note: Cost: $20 for a single user; An introductory special Correspondent offer buys two licenses for $26, allowing you to set up a friend with SockeToome at a substantial discount. This download is Shareware Related Sites: BACK TO Network File Sharing BACK TO Mac Classic Partner Central | OpenSRS | OpenXRS | Tucows Content Submit Software | About Tucows | Advertise With Us Site Index | Submit Feedback | Copyright ©2001 Tucows, Inc. Tucows Inc. has no liability for any content or goods on the Tucows site or the Internet, except as set forth in the terms and conditions and privacy statement.